The presentation introduces some software-related projects that collapse the distinction between 'making' and 'doing' - the former associated with the demonstration of skills, the latter with human action. Indeed software making/doing things makes it like speech in that it both says something and does something at the same time. This is political in as much as it relates to the act of free speaking, evoking the making/doing of free software as 'ethical action' (or virtuosity). Through such means, software seems to exemplify 'innovation' in the general sense that newly invented forms might diverge from established rules and perceived norms.

The presentation demonstrates some of these ideas through recent projects including the upcoming co-curated exhibition 'Craftivism', involving artists and collectives that work with craft-based traditions and activist practices. 'Craftivism' places an emphasis on interaction and participation in the wider social realm, and employs aspects of self-organisation and 'open-source' principles. It aims to encourage wider communities to embrace the 'freedom' to create, modify and distribute products - thus demonstrating possibilities for people to modify their own lives. Politics is engaged through the combination of human and machine ability to produce innovative action in the public realm.
image: antisocial notworking