Antipodes performance links Bulgaria and The Netherlands on DA Fest opening night


The second performance on the opening night, entitled 'Antipodes - people with feet opposite ours' will link Bulgaria and The Netherlands in a live performance on October 26 2009.

The performance is scheduled to start from 8pm at Galleriya Akademiya.

Rene Beekman will perform in Sofia, while Xavier van Wersh performs from The Hague.

The performance will happen over a network connection, using custom software programmed by the artists.

The software could best be described as a no-input AV-mixer, that is, an audio and video mixer, that is played as an instrument without prerecorded audio or video materials. Sound and images are produced by the mixer, through a feedback system. 

For this purpose, two copies of the same software will be running in the two cities, and will be controlled simultaneously to keep them in sync.

The performance has an element of risk; if the software of one the participants crashes, that performer is locked out of the performance, with no way to catch up.


2009-10-30 21:00 - 21:30

Pixel-Game is a live VJ performance in real time capture.We are playing with one TV, a MIDI controller, a digital camera and ATARI computer console on real time capture to VJ software.Two dimensions between digital and real, progress or  regress, look to the past and futur... more