Pixel-Game performance and closing party with 1000 names
2009-10-30At 9:30 pm in the Academia Gallery will start Pixel-Game live VJ performance by Phormatik Visual Lab which will continue with a DJ/VJ party with 1000 names. 1000 names are "Casio Blaster" and "99 Mistakes" both Dj’s from Sofia. They started to play together at the end of the 1990's, when they discovered the original hip-hop culture and began to make beats. The process always involved a lot of sampling and the recycling of all sorts of music...
2009-10-30 21:00 - 21:30
Pixel-Game is a live VJ performance in real time capture.We are playing with one TV, a MIDI controller, a digital camera and ATARI computer console on real time capture to VJ software.Two dimensions between digital and real, progress or regress, look to the past and futur... more