Andrea Paciotto
Andrea Paciotto

Andrea Paciotto is a director dedicated the creation and development of theatre, media performances and audiovisual projects. He begun studying in Italy as an actor, but soon concentrated towards creating and directing performances.  He continued studying in the United States, B.A. in theatre and a M.F.A. in directing from City University of New York. Later, he led a period of research in DasArts, Center for Advance Research in Theatre and Dance of Amsterdam University, focusing on the application of new technologies in performance.
Very important was the encounter with Ellen Stewart, founder and artistic director of New York La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club. This signed the beginning of a journey that brought him to work in different countries, initially as an actor/performer and later as director. He worked for several years in La MaMa as resident artists and still today collaborates in numerous occasions. Since then, Andrea has collaborated with various theatres and organizations in Europe and his work has been presented in Italy, Holland, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Serbia, Switzerland, Poland, Macedonia, United States and Mexico. He has also lived and worked in Mexico, collaborating with various Cultural Institutions and independent groups, in projects spanning from theatre performances, operas, large multimedia events in archeological sites and with artists from indigenous communities.

Andrea has realized videofilms and documentaries, created installations, produced different types of cultural projects and developed educational programs. He has led courses and workshops, both in Italy as well as abroad, on various aspects of theatre and multimedia arts: University of the Tuscia of Viterbo, National Academy of Dance of City of Mexico, Theater Academy of Maastricht, University of the Arts in Belgrade, Das Arts Amsterdam, La MaMa in New York and in Italy, Bitef Festival Belgrade.

Since 2004 Andrea lives in Italy. He has funded and directs Offucina Eclectic Arts, an organization based in Spoleto, focused on development, creation and promotion of artistic and cultural events.


2009-10-30 21:00 - 21:30

Pixel-Game is a live VJ performance in real time capture.We are playing with one TV, a MIDI controller, a digital camera and ATARI computer console on real time capture to VJ software.Two dimensions between digital and real, progress or  regress, look to the past and futur... more