Paolo Cirio
Paolo Cirio
Paolo has worked as tactical media artist in various fields: net-art, street-art, video-art, public-art, marketing-art, software-art and interaction-design, since 1995.
Paolo Cirio is researching into media, communication, politics and cultural anthropology, as an environment that influences the perception of reality. From his poetic emerge utopias and dystopias that reflect contemporary complexity. Art pieces composed by live actions are aesthetically synthesized and documented by installations, which transport the audience through stories, worlds, ideas and concepts.
Cultural-Viruses, Reality-Hacking, Culture Jamming, Convergence-Culture, Conceptual-Art and Neo-Situationism are the main fields in which he works. These works, which are often of an illegal nature, possess political, social and anthropological implications and have received international feedback.

2009-10-30 21:00 - 21:30

Pixel-Game is a live VJ performance in real time capture.We are playing with one TV, a MIDI controller, a digital camera and ATARI computer console on real time capture to VJ software.Two dimensions between digital and real, progress or  regress, look to the past and futur... more